

Facing A DUI Charge In Georgia: 7 Powerful Defenses To Get You Back On Track

Are you Facing a DUI Charge In Georgia? All Is Hope Is Not Lost

Even if you’re facing a DUI arrest in Georgia, don’t despair! An experienced attorney is your best ally and can help guide you through the process. They could point out any mistakes made during evidence collection or processing that throw suspicion away from you – even if tests indicated otherwise. What’s more: armed with valid defenses crafted by someone familiar with state laws, there may yet be room to reduce charges all the way down to reckless driving! 

It is critical that you seek out the experience and compassion of an attorney that can develop a strong defense strategy  that considers your circumstances and one who will leverage applicable state laws. Seek justice and pursue every option available – it’s never too late for change when armed with the best representation. To get additional information about getting a DUI in Georgia visit the Georgia Department of Drivers Services and check out some helpful DUI Frequently Asked Questions.


Crafting A Perfect Defense

The Gonzalez Torres Law Office is devoted to providing the highest quality DUI Defense representation in Georgia. With a great deal of positive reviews, we are proud to be recognized as one of the top-rated defense lawyers in the state of Georgia! Our team of experienced professionals is always on hand and ready to lend an experienced helping hand! With fast response times and comprehensive, structured support, we’re here for you on your worst day.

It would be easy for us to tell you “Don’t Worry”, because this is simply impossible not to go. However, what you should know is that there are several key defenses to help you navigate your case. From challenging the legality of an arrest, blood alcohol test results, or even arguing for lower penalties; read on further to learn how these seven legal strategies can assist you with any DUI proceedings! Continue reading to learn more…

Your Georgia DUI Case: 7 Powerful Defenses

1.Failure to maintain lane
In Georgia, a charge of Failure to Maintain Lane is often associated with DUI arrests. While weaving across lanes or simply hitting the fog line can count as evidence for this accusation, such actions don’t definitively prove that drivers are impaired by drugs and alcohol – the driver might be distracted due to a conversation or might be tuning into the radio station. But there’s hope – going against common perception and proving no danger was present prior to lane shifting can often lead to successful defenses for this violation!

2. Reasonable suspicion to stop
When Georgia law enforcement is initiating a vehicle investigation, they must have more than just an intuitive feeling. Shaky evidence like weaving between lanes, sudden braking maneuvers or taking wide corners may not be enough to justify their search – otherwise the subsequent action taken by police can become invalid in certain circumstances. For cases involving alcohol-related driving offenses such as DUI/DWI however, reasonable suspicion may no longer apply and officers are free to act accordingly “without the pretext.”

3. Road block
In the state of Georgia, drivers must be prepared to come to a halt when approaching police authority. Roadblocks are subject to strict regulations in order for law enforcement officers’ actions and procedures at such checkpoints to be considered legal. Every passing vehicle is required by law, without exception or discretion on part of an officer’s decision-making abilities,to stop for inspection which should not take a long in most cases. However, if extended detainment does occur due to something suspicious being detected during the process, then additional protocols may need to be  followed; otherwise any form of detainment will render this encounter unlawful with no exceptions whatsoever.

4. Field sobriety test
By challenging a field sobriety test in your DUI case, you could give yourself an advantage. You may be able to weaken the prosecutor’s evidence and even get them to drop all charges – as incorrect testing means any related information is not allowed into court! With help from legal counsel, it can become easier for you to show that your driving was not impaired when you were pulled over.

5. Illegal Pat-Downs
Georgia drivers should be aware of their rights when pulled over for a traffic violation. According to the law, officers must have reasonable doubt that potential danger exists in order to conduct a pat-down search. Otherwise any substances found may become subject to being dismissed by the court due to an unlawful procedure having taken place. It is recommended that motorists keep their hands closeby or visible on the steering wheel, as reaching into pockets or bags without alerting police could lead them to assume cause for concern and take further legal measures if needed.

6. Implied Consent Notice
Georgia may be known as the Peach State, but don’t let that fool you – no one feels “Peachy” when being charged with a DUI or the measures taken by law enforcement upon detainment. Offenders must still adhere to strict laws in regards to chemical testing. When an officer reads out their Implied Consent Notice during arrest proceedings it’s paramount they follow proper protocol; failure to do so can hinder prosecution of the case! It is important for citizens to know not to accept advice contrary to what was stated on the implied consent warning – doing otherwise would be breaking legal boundaries and subjecting them to further actions enforced by law enforcement agencies. Staying aware of these guidelines could pay off in dividends if ever faced with similar charges in The Peach State!

7. Probable cause to arrest
If you have been charged with a DUI in Georgia, there may be hope yet. The key is to challenge the probable cause of your arrest by disproving any officer observations that suggest impairment was present at the time. While law enforcement must reasonably believe alcohol or drugs has affected your driving for an arrest to take place, simply being seen drinking does not count as sufficient evidence alone – so it’s important to understand and be ready to defend yourself against any potential false accusations proactively!

As a reminder, we know getting charged with a DUI in Georgia can be overwhelming. Don’t lose hope – knowledge is power! If you’ve explored the above seven powerful defenses available to help you prevail then you are ahead of the game. Your next step should be hiring an experienced legal team that will research all the evidence and build a strong case on your behalf – giving you a fighting chance to gain back your independence.

Contact An Experienced Lawyer and Get Results

Time is of the essence – don’t miss out on your opportunity to get back behind the wheel. Without swift action, you only have 30 days from the date of your arrest to have your Georgia DUI Lawyer file for an administrative license hearing. Gonzalez Torres Law is here for any and all of your questions – Contact Us Now

Let us help you gain the upper hand in your case! Contact us today by giving us a call at (678)-249-3899 or send us an email to info@gonzalez-lawyer.com – We’re ready when you are!

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