

Are you eligible to apply for humanitarian immigration parole for U.S entry in 2023?

In extraordinary circumstances, foreign nationals may have the opportunity to receive humanitarian parole for a temporary stay in America. This specialized form of entry enables individuals to travel and gain entrance into our country when faced with an emergency or due to public interest considerations.

The USCIS offers an alternative to visas for non-U.S. citizens in the form of humanitarian parole: a temporary permission that grants entry into America if justified by severe circumstances or if found to be in the best interest of the general public. This program makes it possible for foreign nationals to take part in beneficial exchanges of aid and support between the U.S. and other nations, no matter their bureaucratic or entry restrictions!

Humanitarian parole can be a great option for those wishing to temporarily enter the U.S., especially if they are hoping to visit ill relatives or attend funerals within our borders, or seek medical help here. The USCIS reviews each application on an individual basis and decides whether it should be approved – learn more about what humanitarian parole could offer you today!

Humanitarian parole is a last resort strategy

Humanitarian parole offers those located abroad hope for a chance at reuniting with family and accessing helpful medical care. It is an invaluable outlet that can really help people in need, allowing them the opportunity to be reunited with their loved ones who may live domestically or providing access to treatment not otherwise available. Every case reviewed by USCIS is taken into account on its own merits; so families should take comfort knowing every circumstance will be carefully considered before any decisions are made.

If you are looking for an alternate way to gain access into the U.S., such as with a B-2 visitor visa, your application may be denied unless there is proof of humanitarian emergency. In that case, the USCIS could potentially grant parole authorization based on this factor alone.
If you need to travel urgently and your local consulate isn’t processing your B-2 visitor visa quickly enough, then humanitarian parole is an ideal solution – it allows you to convey your purpose for traveling solely related to visiting a critically ill relative. The USCIS must be informed of this in order for the process of applying for humanitarian parole begins.

You cannot use parole to avoid other immigration processes

If you or a loved one are facing removal proceedings or have already been removed from the U.S., you must contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement to submit a request for travel documents. Use Form I-131, and fill out the Application for Travel Documentation as well as its accompanying instructions document to ensure successful completion of your application!

Humanitarian parole on removal processes have an exception

If you are facing deportation proceedings in the U.S., humanitarian parole could be a possible solution for your circumstance – but it’s not automatic! All applications must include detailed information about why relief is needed, as well as any supporting forms and documents required to complete the process.

Are you or your family dealing with an immigration detention? If so, applying for humanitarian parole could be a potential solution. It is important to understand immigration laws and the groups of people that will receive special consideration when making the request for this type of parole – these include individuals in ICE’s local field office director’s jurisdiction. When submitting an application or requesting assistance from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), make sure to provide all pertinent information related to your case, among the groups of people who will be given special consideration, includes:

  • people with serious medical conditions
  • women medically certified as pregnant
  • juveniles
  • witnesses in judicial, administrative, or legislative proceedings
  • people who should be released for the “public interest.”

What happens if your application for humanitarian parole is denied?

Denial of a humanitarian parole application is not set in stone.  If you can demonstrate changes to your circumstances or provide new evidence, the USCIS encourages you to reapply. Highlighting any details about your situation that weren’t present during prior attempts could improve your chances for approval.

For example, if your initial request to visit a sick family member was denied, you can submit an updated application stating that your loved one’s condition has worsened.

Finally, you will need to remain patient and we understand that waiting for the USCIS to make a decision on your application can be an agonizing process, with decisions taking anywhere from two months to over four. Even if you don’t have all the documentation they need initially, it’s best not drag out matters further by submitting insufficient information – another lengthy wait may be in store should this occur!

Contact an experienced attorney

Are you looking to start the process for humanitarian parole or any other immigration-related endeavor? Gonzalez Torres Law understands how daunting this task can be, so do not take on the challenge by yourself. You need an experienced attorney that will fight for your rights and give you  a helpful hand when you need it most. Our number one priority is ensuring your future success and providing you with a strategic approach to your case  that saves both money and time!

Contact Us Now! Let us help you gain the upper hand in your case! Give us a call at (678)-249-3899 or send us an email to info@gonzalez-lawyer.com – We’re ready when you are!



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