

The Importance of calling the police and making a report after an accident

If you are involved in a car accident, call law enforcement immediately to begin collecting evidence for the report. Even after a minor accident, exchanging insurance information alone, with the other party, may not be enough. Car insurance companies can help protect you from costs related to the accident — but having an official police report is also important in case of any disputes or legal issues that may crop up down the road. Make sure that your car accident doesn’t spiral out of control and make sure to call the authorities while at the scene of the accident so that all details are documented accurately.

In the event of an auto accident, swift action is key. From notifying your insurance company to providing a complete report that covers all details about the incident – it’s essential for both you and those involved in order to secure adequate protection from potential liabilities.

Should you call the police?

Have you ever been in an accident and wondered whether you should call the police? In general, it is recommended that if anything more than a minor fender-bender occurs, then getting law enforcement involved could save you from potential headaches later. Depending on where you live will determine when reporting to authorities must be done – so make sure to familiarize yourself with your state’s regulations for auto collisions!

People often forget it, but local law enforcement is qualified to give you key advice and assistance when vehicle damage or injuries occur due to an automobile accident. Taking a few moments out to call them can make all the difference in such complicated times. Most importantly, you can ensure information is properly documented and you have an opportunity to provide your direct statements. Similarly, vehicle damages can be seen, accessed and photographed in real time. In many of these cases the “sooner than later” approach may serve to benefit you simply because when you attempt to gather pertinent information or details after the fact things tend to get fuzzy.

What happens if there are injuries?

In the event of an accident, calling 9-1-1 is essential for anyone suffering injuries and to provide immediate medical attention. The police will assess the area where it occurred which can include any statutes that were violated – like running a stop sign or red light – as part of their investigation process. Additionally, law enforcement provides vital assistance in gathering relevant information about what happened at the scene; giving you considerable support during this difficult time. Just as important, law enforcement can help collect and document valuable information such as:

  • Date and time of the accident
  • Personal information from all involved parties like name, address, telephone number and insurance details
  • Statements from all drivers and witnesses as well as their contact numbers 
  • Information on the vehicles involved and the damages
  • Injuries visible at the scene
  • Detailed description of the road or parking lot where the accident took place
  • Road conditions (was it raining, snowing, etc.)
  • A diagram of the scene

Give your side of the story to the police

As stated earlier, when you contact law enforcement at the scene of the accident you are able to share your side of the story in real time. If you are not injured and able to speak coherently make sure that you remain calm and tell the responding officer(s) what happened as you recall. Be sure to get the names and badge numbers of all responding officers, and don’t forget to ask for a police or incident report number if one is available – this will be especially helpful should you remember more details about the accident afterwards! Taking these steps can help lead to a better outcome in regards to what happened on that day.

Why is it so important to have a police report?

A police report is a valuable resource in the wake of an accident, offering more reliable details than individual accounts. It serves as a neutral witness that summarizes what actually happened and whether injuries were sustained due to the incident. Without one, people may be tempted to exaggerate or falsely accuse others of involvement; however, with this document parties to the accident are held accountable for their actions while protecting those affected from being liable unnecessarily.

Is a police report necessary for car accident claims?

In the event of an accident, securing a police report is pivotal to a successful compensation claim. This essential document plays a crucial role in verifying and backing up any attempts at seeking reimbursement from your insurer. Don’t forget that you need to have your incident and/or police report and any assigned record numbers readily available – this should be one of your top priorities!

What happens after a police report is made?

You’ve made a police report and now are wondering what is next! Remember – The police report will provide a link between the accident and your injuries. Barring that you seek legal representation for a case, your lawyer will gather the report, medical records and any other evidence to build your case for potential compensation. 

What we want you to learn from reading this blog is that after a car accident, you may be faced with many overwhelming decisions that could have an everlasting impact on your financial future. From filing insurance claims to considering legal action against other parties involved for damages – or even being potentially sued yourself! It’s important to carefully evaluate all potential paths and keep vigilant so as not to become overwhelmed by the process ahead of you. 

You Need Gonzalez Torres Law Fighting For Your Rights

After an accident, getting the correct assistance for a successful outcome isn’t always easy. We strongly encourage you to contact law enforcement if you have been in an automobile accident whether you sustain injuries or not. It is just as important to make sure you make a police report while at the scene of the accident or thereafter. 

Now, go a step further and know that the experienced team of Personal Injury Lawyers at Gonzalez Torres Law does not want you to go it alone! We want to be your trusted legal advocate and are committed to protecting all of your rights after an auto incident. With our expertise & guidance you’ll be fully compensated for any damages or losses sustained from the crash – so don’t hesitate; Contact Us  today with confidence that we can get you the best possible result out of this difficult situation!

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