
Criminal Defense

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Domestic abuse. Scared woman and little girl suffering from father's violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a very serious charge in all states, including in Georgia. It doesn’t have to be committed against someone in your immediate family, but closer familial relationships can get you a charge for domestic violence.

Georgia law states that parents’ punishment for their children should be “reasonable discipline” and not overstep the boundaries into family violence. Acts involving family violence are punished more severely in Georgia than the same types of acts committed between strangers, co-workers, friends, etc.

As a parent, you could lose your parental rights if convicted of a domestic violence charge, however, the law does currently still understand that sometimes things can get heated, especially in families, and there are some allowances that allow a first-time offender for domestic violence to essentially get their record restricted and the case dismissed. Call González Torres Law if you have been accused of domestic violence and we’ll work hard towards a solution.

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