

The Serious Consequences of a DUI Charge in Georgia and How to Navigate Them

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime with strict repercussions in the state of Georgia. A DUI can have multiple life-long consequences as well as considerable expenses. If you have been charged with a DUI, it’s crucial to act quickly, as may have more grounds for defense than you know about. Seeking the help of a DUI attorney, like those at Gonzalez Torres Law, is your best option to minimize the impact of any charges against you. In this blog, we’ll explore the possible consequences of a DUI charge and why it’s essential to consult with an attorney immediately.

Administrative License Suspension

One crucial reason to speak with a DUI attorney is for support during an administrative license suspension hearing. The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) will automatically suspend your license if you fail or refuse to take a chemical test and you will have ten days to request an appeal hearing. An experienced DUI attorney can help you through this process, increasing your chances of having your license reinstated.

Possible Jail Time

In the state of Georgia, a DUI charge is a criminal offense and a conviction can result in jail time. The amount of time may vary based on the circumstances of the arrest and the defendant’s criminal history. Judges are more likely to issue longer jail sentences if the DUI led to a fatality or injury of an innocent party. Speaking with a DUI attorney can help you understand the jail time you might face and your potential options.

Expensive Fines

A DUI charge can come with large fines up to thousands of dollars. The fines imposed on a DUI conviction depend on the circumstances of your arrest such as whether it’s your first or subsequent DUI charge and whether there was a fatality or injury. An experienced DUI attorney, such as those at Gonzalez Torres Law, can help you minimize potential fines.

Increased Insurance Rates

A DUI conviction in Georgia can lead to increased car insurance rates for several years. With a DUI conviction on your record, insurance providers see you as a high-risk driver meaning you’ll pay more in premiums. An attorney can help you understand the effect of a DUI conviction on your insurance rates.

Possible Employment Consequences

A DUI conviction can have consequences beyond the court system, including on your job. Job loss is common and employment opportunities may become limited due to a criminal record. In some cases, a DUI conviction can even lead to the suspension or revocation of professional licenses. A DUI attorney can help protect your current and future employment opportunities.
Being charged with a DUI in Georgia has severe consequences that go beyond immediate legal ramifications. Seeking expert legal representation, such as the Gonzalez Torres Law team, is crucial for minimizing the impact a DUI has on your life. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for advice and guidance about your legal options. Remember that time is of the essence, and the sooner you contact Gonzalez Torres Law after your charge, the better your chances are of minimizing the consequences of a DUI.

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