

What happens after a dog bite in Georgia?

Dog bites can unfortunately lead to severe injuries, leaving you with painful scars and traumas. If you or a loved one has been bitten in Atlanta, Gonzalez Torres Law is here for support – providing information on the key laws which could determine your case’s eligibility for helpful compensation towards medical bills. We care deeply that our clients are well-informed about their rights!

Georgia’s “Dangerous Dog Law”

In Georgia, dog owners are liable for any harm their canine companions cause. If you become the victim of an attack by someone else’s pup, then it is up to you to prove that a third party should have taken steps to avoid such injury and damage inflicted upon your – meaning losses in terms of physical pain as well as financial compensation can be sought out if successful. To determine if a dog is dangerous under Georgia’s Law the following must be taken into account about the animal:

  • Makes considerable puncture of human skiing with its teeth
  • Is aggressive enough for a person to believe that it poses a threat to harm
  • Kills other animals when is away of its owner’s property

A “vicious dog” is defined as one that inflicts devastating damage upon its victims, leaving them with broken bones and damaged organs as they attempt to flee the attack.

The “One-Bite Rule”

In the United States, responsible dog ownership is valued with a law called “one-bite rule” which holds that owners must take precautions against any harm their dogs might cause if they know it can be dangerous. While this may seem easy to prove in some states, Georgia makes it tricky due to its “one-rule” statute – meaning an owner will still be liable for injury or hurt caused by their pet even without the one bite incident – as long as there was no provocation from someone else involved. 

It’s important for us all to show care and compassion when looking after our furry friends! Dog owners should be aware that they may face legal action if their pet is not on a leash and causes an injury in accordance with local laws. To protect your pup and those around them, always ensure to keep Fido safely leashed!

Statute of limitations in Georgia

We understand that getting injured because of a dog bite can be an overwhelming experience. That’s why it is important to stay aware and informed of Georgia’s Statute of Limitations, giving victims two years from the date of the event to file their claim with some exceptions. Although this may seem like plenty of time, we highly recommend starting the process as soon as possible so you get appropriate assistance faster – partnering with a Georgia’s statute of limitations law firm specializing in these types of cases will help pave your way for successful results.

Get in touch with the Gonzalez Torres Law firm 

Our team at Gonzalez Torres Law is here to provide care, compassion and experience in the event that you or someone close to you has been bitten by a dog. We understand this can be an overwhelming time for victims of dog bite incidents because of medical bills incurred as well as the many complex laws involved, but we’re ready and able to fight for your rights so that justice is served. We have many years of experience handlilng personal injury cases including those involving dog bites, so don’t hesitate contact us right away if this situation arises; just one call could ensure the best outcome possible. Our team is on hand whenever needed – ensuring your rights are upheld as we strive toward getting you the compensation and justice you deserve.

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