

What To Know About DACA and the Value It Offers Immigrants in America

DACA’s program provides peace of mind to thousands of individuals who, as children, were brought to the U.S., and have since remained without proper documentation. Through its protections they are granted lawful presence within the United States allowing them to pursue their hopes and dreams – able to live freely whether working or getting an education in America

It’s important to note that in October 2022 a federal judge ruled that DACA could temporarily live on and under the Biden administration this final ruling took effect. While 2022 has come and gone and now it’s 2023, supporters are hopeful that the program continues despite the fact there has not been any additional hearings to decide its long-term fate.

DACA Defined

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an administrative relief program that serves to protect eligible immigrants who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA gives undocumented immigrants: 

  • protection from deportation, and 
  • a work permit.

Protecting the bright futures of undocumented young adults is so important, and DACA provides a way to do that. It’s stunning how much this program can accomplish for both individuals and society overall when we are willing to open our arms in inclusion! To learn more about DACA visit the USCIS website HERE.

Does DACA grant permanent status?

It is imperative that you understand that DACA only provides temporary relief and does not give permanent legal status or guarantee any concrete path towards citizenship. To remain protected under the policy one must periodically renew their eligibility every two years – so make sure you stay up-to-date with current information by visiting USCIS website.

Can DACA holders travel?

DACA holders now have the opportunity to travel abroad for work, education, or humanitarian reasons with Advance Parole authorization! However, it’s important to remember that USCIS won’t approve travel unless they’re related to beating workforce challenges and furthering self-development. That means that vacations are outside of these parameters..

Are students with DACA able to receive educational aid?

DACA students are not able to receive Educational aid but they are not on their own when it comes to affording college tuition either. They can still access financial resources at the state or local level. In fact, some states even offer in-state aid as part of tuition costs for Dreamers! Get all the information you need with Boundless’ Guide that outlines unique opportunities specifically designed for them to help pay for higher education.

Who is eligible for DACA?

The Center for American Progress estimates that an astonishing 1.8 million people qualify for the DACA program, but a significant number of these individuals have yet to enroll. It is stated that approximately 800,000+ applicants have been approved thus far! With numbers like these, it’s clear we need more support and advocacy in helping our immigrant community to become fully knowledgeable about their rights under this program.


Want to start your journey towards Dreamer status? Check below to see if  you meet these important requirements for DACA eligibility! You may qualify if:

  • If you have entered unlawfully  to the U.S Prior the age of 16
  • If you continuously live in the U.S since June 15, 2007
  • If you are under 31 on june 15, 2012 (born on june 16, 1981, or after)
  • If you had no lawful status on june 15, 2012
  • If you are enrolled in school, completed highschool or if you have been honorably discharged from the armed forces 
  • If you haven’t been convicted of felonies, serious misdemeanors, three or more misdemeanors and don’t post in general terms as a threat to national security or safety to the public

To learn more about DACA’s guidelines don’t forget to visit the USCIS website HERE.

Seek The Help of An Experienced Law Firm

For those considering the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), it’s essential to speak with an immigration attorney first. Doing so could literally be the difference between starting a new life in America or facing possible deportation proceedings due to not meeting requirements. Do not apply without proper guidance – let us help you now!

The Gonzalez Torres Law Office can provide the expert advice and assistance you need to get started with DACA! Our experienced lawyers are ready to guide you through this process, so don’t wait – Contact Us today!

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